And the countdown begins!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Door open?

You know the saying about ”one door close, and many others will open”?

How would you feel if for each door opened, it only came disguise as a trap for you to get further into the maze and making it difficult to come back out?

That’s exactly how I feel right now…

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. I knew earlier on that my “good news” came disguise as a road to a dead end. Yes, it came as a recognition to my work, but it also turns out to be even more difficult for me to seek other opportunities. There’s an opening for a higher position, but I couldn’t possibly apply for another promotion right after being promoted right? I would love to say “If only I weren’t promoted, I’ll apply for this!” but I couldn’t because I’m already rewarded.

You might say “A bird in hand is better than two in tree”. I guess to some extend its right. But if you keep walking around tree after tree and seeing more and more birds, anyone would be tempted right? Especially when you see others getting more birds as well.

Lesson in life: Keep the bird in a cage and chase for more.

And NEVER opt for the first reward in a bidding game in Survivor. That’s another story, but I just feel like putting it up here.

So, anyway, an “opportunity” showed up at my door today. And the one behind me bang shut, no turning back. Its like walking through a corridor of rooms. Walking through a dormitory, with door after door being opened. Though there are many open doors, each door lead to a room. I now have the choice to choose which door I want to take. Each room is decorated differently, and I just have to choose which door I want to take that leads me to a room. To make this even better, I can walk into each of the rooms to see and look at the decoration before deciding.

Better still, they even say, all the rooms are yours to choose. If you chose a room and after a while, you feel like a chance, you can ALWAYS move into ANOTHER room.

The catch? Well, though each room is beautifully decorated, it is still the SAME room. Get it? Not only it is the same room, it is ONLY a room. And each room is a dead end. Its like choosing which dead end that I want to go.

That’s it.

I’m now right in front of many open doors, but it ALL lead to a dead end. Its just a matter of choosing which dead end I want to go/experience.

What’s the point of changing rooms when it is the SAME DAMN ROOM!?! You’re still stuck in the same floor, same corridor! Yes, of course at the beginning the new rooms would feel very exciting, but if you strip away the deco and fittings, its still the same sized room.

Better still, they claimed that you can move up and get better things. Hence, once in a while, they move you up a few floors, almost as it the higher you stay, the more prestige it become. But then again, you’re still in the same building, moving up floors just to be shown ANOTHER corridor of opened doors leading to the SAME DAMN ROOMS!

What kind of opportunity is this?

I just need to keep thinking positive and remembering that there are many other people dying to move into my room right now... LITERALLY!!

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