And the countdown begins!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Special Kids

Things had been hectic at work, and I'm back for the weekend.

A couple of pictures on what happened last weekend:

Last weekend, I got a chance to be part of an event where special kids and senior citizens were invited to the hill for a day of fun.

And it turned out great. I was lucky in the sense that I was kinda prepared with what I was going to faced on that day. I believed that my days of teaching and volunteering has helped me to be comfortable with the kids.

Do you know why this day was special to me?

Because for a few weeks now, I have been thinking about options and whether I could go back to teaching and spending lots of time with kids.

And these kids helps reminds me of those days, those wonderful days where I'd spent time playing with them, helping the teachers prepare for their activities, hearing them laugh as they go about playing and meeting up with the parents who is determined to give the very best to their kids.

And why I left.

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