And the countdown begins!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Rambut panjang ke pendek???

For a while now, I've had long hair for as long as I remember. I've only had short hair once, and that was WAY back in school.

On the 3rd day since my last exam paper during SPM, I 'm off to the salon to get my first red bloody-super-painful-condom-styled highlight that cost me RM500. And that RM500 was NINE years ago.

After the highlight, came my first perm. I still remembered going to the salon that day, telling the aunty that I wanted a perm, and the aunty enthusiastically replied "yea yea, the popular one right???" And I nodded, having no idea what I just agreed to.

The next thing I knew, I was having this super-tight-frizzy-curls that looks like i've just been electrocuted. The effect was nice though, cause I have fine and little hair, so the texture was very soft to touch and it gives me a whole lot of volume that I've never dream of having.

Hence, my love of curls began.

Since then, throughout the college and uni years, it was mostly in curls, big ones, small ones, chemical ones, electric ones, need-to-put-a-lot-of-lotion ones, no-need-to-put-any-lotion ones, etc.

Only one type of perm i didnt go for though, its the cockscrew ones that looks exactly like you havent washed your hair in months type.

Took me a while before finally deciding to straighten my hair. Cause i'm afraid it'll be too flat. After years since my first perm, I walked out of the salon with a neck pain (after spending close to SIX hours), RM800 poorer and super silky straight hair.

In betweens, there were perms, but of course, somehow or rather, I'll still go back to straightening it. Cause its SO EASY to take care of!! Girls with perms, remember the gob that you have to put on your hair? Remember the no comb rule? Remember that AIR DRY means sitting underneath the ceiling fan for THREE hours??? And how with a gush of wind, the whole hair go crazy?

Now, my hair is at its longest. Never have I have my hair this long, around the waist.

And I'm getting sick of it.

I hardly tie up my hair, let alone style it. Pulling my hair up gives my headache, and I'm too obsessed about having clips at the exact right place (without senget) to spend much time styling it.

I've finally decided to chop it off tomorrow.

Spend quite some time thinking and pondering.

Thinking whether I should at least give it one final perm before cutting it show, perhaps should cut it gradually shorter instead of a chop, long hair is easier to care cause cow licks drives me crazy, etc...

And you know what is the final straw?

Is that when I realized its not like I'm keeping my hair for anything special anyway...

(p/s attending a wedding tomorrow, so you do the maths)

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