And the countdown begins!

Saturday, August 11, 2007


See, i told you that we women are crazy bitches.

Finally got my hands on the long overdue letter. But there were hardly any emotions, let alone celebrations. Though the promise has been delivered, I knew it came disguised as a brickwall to move forward.

On another note, a question caught me by suprise. I am suprised that I have not actually thought about it and just blabble a logical answer.

Just like me right? One who refuses to put too much thoughts into things that I want to happen, in fear that whatever I dream of will NEVER materialized. Instead, choosing to spend lots of time thinking about what could go WRONG, hoping that the more I think about the scenarios, the less likely it will happen.

Almost like the I-dream-of-what-to-do-with-the-lottery-money-but-I-never-will-win kinda moment.

And when it finally happen, I will just choose the most logical way out (logic, so like me!) instead of taking time to think what I want.

I mean, what am I supposed to do at that point of time? Say "I'll think about it and let you know???"

Dont ask me what it is, else I'll just cry right in front of you.

NOW that you got me thinking about this, NOW I know that things will NEVER happen the way I thought it would.

Thank you very much.

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