And the countdown begins!

Thursday, August 03, 2006


-- Happy 6th yr anniversary and have a wonderful 25th year ahead! --

3 years ago, my ex-colleague told me she usually goes on a DIY detox once a year. It consists of (if I remember correctly) fruit juice and raw vege/fruits only diet. Supposedly it cleanse your system or something.

I made ONE attempt to go on it as well but it failed as the limau juice I bought was too sour and I don’t think I can survive on it with an empty stomach.

3 years later (older and wiser), I am on my second attempt on it. I started the Agnes-Detox prog.

I bought juices that weren’t that sour/acidic. While swearing off meat & any oily dishes, I have limited myself to fruits & vege. However, having a fear of fainting in the office, I’ve allowed myself to have soyabean drinks and also eggs as my source of protein to ganti balik my lack of carbohydrates (no rice too!). Since I do not have cooking facilities in my room, I had turn to my water boiler to boil eggs, carrots and corns to eat.

Bear in mind it is a detox thingy, not a weight loss thing. I started yesterday, the target is for me to survive on this meat-free diet for 3 days (Harlow, coming from a person who swears at vegetarian meals and will be in a state of malnutrition in 2 weeks if I don’t have my meat intake, its good enough ler!). However, I would be just as happy if I can make it till the end of today since I am already craving for tomyam, ikan kembung, ayam goreng and bacon yester-night.
I am in a state of oblivion. You should have seen myself last night. I was holding back tears for my kembungs while having salads (VOLUNTARILY) for supper.

So, I have only one more dinner to endure. And tomorrow is a new day. Regardless of whether I decides to continue with this detox thing will be decided whether 1) there is any more fruit juice left and 2) the calling for tomyam meehoon is greater!

Hahahah! See, this fruit/vege thing is not for me. I am laughing at myself. Alone. Quietly.

What happen to the real ME???!!!

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