And the countdown begins!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Funny Ankle

I have a funny ankle.

Long long time ago, I've twisted BOTH my ankle. Once during a rainy day from school, and another while jumping down the stairs. Both has since healed, though one of them cause a hairline crack near the toes but nothing life threatening.

And now, I think I've twisted it again some time back, a couple of months ago. But then, I walked away fine.

But that is when the problem begins.

Since a few months ago, my right ankle hurts.

Problem is, it only hurts when i'm NOT putting pressure on it. The moment I'm walking, the pain goes away and I forgot all about it.

I go to work in heels. Fine.
I run around in the office in heels. Fine.
I go shopping for endless hours. Fine.

But when I STOP walking and is seated down, that is there the ankle hurts,.

It hurts the exact same way like you're putting pressure on a twisted ankle. But I'm not even standing!

On the outside, it looked fine. It wasnt swollen or anything. But its a very nagging paid, and I cant really pin point exactly where. It sometimes feels like the skin has been scrapped off, but there's no wound. The ankle bone (?) hurts but I wasnt putting any pressure.

No amount of twisting help ease the pain.

This is the same set of feet that hurts whenever I walked around in sandals for too long but I'm able to prance around the office in 4-inch heels.


Help, anyone?

P/S: Btw, I think I'm having problem with the chatbox. Its stuck and it wont load new messages. !@#$%

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