And the countdown begins!

Thursday, July 26, 2007


Trottled down to Borders two days ago. Spent about an hour running up and down the bookstore (this multi-storeyed concept is really NOT practical at all!) looking for books.

No, it wasnt the Harry Potter book. I've given up on that since book 5.

Instead, I was running around the books and finally settling for these...

Took me a while to find the above three, cause they were all over the place. They dont have an autobiography section (unlike the previous store that I went to). Found Teri Hatcher's Burnt Toast under the Self-help section, laughed at myself when I found it cause I couldnt believe I was buying something from this section. Its less than an inch thick, and I thought, well this wont last me for weeks, and went around to the info counter/computer trying to remember celebrities names and trying to check if they've ever written any books.

Then I found Victoria's That Extra Half An Inch. I've come across this book when one of the magazines did a review on this. Something along the line of her trying to write about fashion and trying to suggest places to shop. Now, somehow or rather, you know that I've into gossips and lifes of celebrities. And before Janice Dickinson, there's actually Victoria Beckham's Learning to Fly. This was a few years back, and when I saw this book, it was kinda pricey at RM109. Was contemplating whether to buy, but after 15 minutes of running around but STILL holding this book, I gave up and thought, what the hell, if I spend so long thinking whether to buy this book, then I MUST want this book...

So, I thought, I must get another book to read, cause I know Burnt Toast wont last long and Victoria Beckham is just.. well, shopping. So, then it was Goldie Hawn's A Lotus Grows In the Mud and a couple others. The others were matured celebrities that I've heard of but not so familiar with their background (meaning no idea on their juicy lifestory hence no interest yet). And so I picked Goldie's one instead.

Mostly, I am looking to AUTObiography, instead of those written by others and not the celebrity itself. Well, if i want to read about a third party opinion, I could have just picked up any gossip magazines right? Well, what if its just a marketing gimmick and the celebrities didnt really write it themselves? Well, I'm really stupid and I am easily convinced, the moment i see the name of the author matching the picture, I am sold :)

Was trying to find Michael J Fox's Lucky Man and Janice Dickinson's Everything About Me Is Fake: And I'm Perfect!, but unfortunately the first is out of stock and the second, well, apparently they dont carry it.

Walau eh, these books dont come cheap ler... Oh well, all for the sake of reading right???

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