And the countdown begins!

Saturday, July 28, 2007


(Picture taken about 2 hours after procedure)

How plainful is this? Have you tried taking a mechanical pencil and poking yourself in short quick strokes using the metal tip? Now, try imagining the metal tip as needles and imagine having like 10 or 20 of it lined up together and poking you...

Not too bad, tolerable most of the time. After a while it kinda gets numb, and only when they start poking on fleshy areas then you start grining your teeth.

Information overload? :P

Looked slightly off and one side is slightly thicker, but that's only if you studied the picture long enough. And she says that after a week only will be able to gauge the results better, and will have to return a month later for touch up wor... Which is funny cause I've heard others saying it should be a week's time.

Not too worried about the senget part for now, cause anything is definately better than drawing everyday...

And to turn this entry even more girly, apparently I've to keep the brows dry for at least two days. Meaning washing my face ala facial way. Please, no breakouts yea...

And I'm given a small amount of cream to apply on the brows for a week. And it will start to harden and flake soon enough wor. Now, already i feel a bit tight whenever I frown. You know how it feels when your wound hardens and the scabs kinda threaten to break apart?

Told you this will be bimbo-ish with too much information... hehe...

Overall, it wasnt as bad as I've expected. After the whole thing is done, I even went to walk around Midvalley for a short time while waiting for my mum to pick me up later. Btw, I did this in Ultimate Impression. It wasnt as dark and as horrible than I expected it to be, albeit a bit red (from the poking) and wet (reflection from the cream). Was quite relieved that I can still show up in public, but the not that confident enough to continue walking around and instead choose a little corner in McDonalds hidden from view to have lunch and catch up on reading.

But that doesnt stop me from buying this though...

Not too bad. Covered stuff like what to do and what not to do to boast your confidence, etc. But of course, I'm much more interested in juice details of her life and to be caught up with the book rather than to appreciate the literature side of it. Loads of pictures about her, not really good in terms of value, but hey, I wanted it!

Total cost? Its supposed to be RM380 with free 2 touch up within a year (TOLD you this is girly entry!), but the girl conned me into the RM500 package with free 2 touch up, 3 body treatment and eye treatment. Ok, I was thinking more of letting my mum go for the treatments since its transferable and I wont be around much anyway. Initially its supposed to be 1 body treatment (RM100) and 1 facial (RM200), but I've very skeptical on facials other than those done in Dermalogica (habis, you think the above picture comes cheap ah??), so I bargained and she exchanged the facial for 2 more body treatment instead.

And book cost me RM109.

And that was actually the reason why I choose to stay in McD instead, cause I'm already broke and way out of my budget, why spend time walking around anymore???


Charissa said...

Hi there,

I've just got my eyebrows done at Ultimate Impression too. May I know how long do we have to put the soothing cream? Is it only for 2 days or do we have to apply it until the whole thing has peeled off?

Dragonballfan said...

Hi there! Just did your brows eh? For me, i think the girl told me to put for a week, so I followed and apply for seven days, even after everything is peeled off.

A word of caution though, NEVER pick on the scabs! :P

Charissa said...

Thanx for your reply :) How long did yours take to peel off? Its my 3rd day now. Cant wait for the whole dark patch to come off. It hasnt even started peeling yet. So you continued applying the cream even though everything peeled off?

Dragonballfan said...

I just had my final touch-up! For my first visit and the first touch-up, it only started peeling around 4th or 5th day.

I was looking forward for it to peel too the first time around. But I was dissapointed because it was very light in colour. But after the touch up was much better...

And yes, I'm very paranoid, I apply the cream even though everything has peeled off right up until the 7th day. But i guess if you're comfortable, then no need to apply gua...

Charissa said...

Hi there,
So everytime after you touch up, you will have to wait another week for it to peel again? Wow... I thought it was only the first time. Haha.. Its already 6th day now. It has only started peeling a little. Is it meant to be like that? My friend said that if I dont put the cream it would peel faster. But Im afraid it would affect the results. Help.. What should I do?

Dragonballfan said...

Hehehe, yeap, the peeling is the most boring part. For me, I realized that if I showered with strong water pressure, it kinda helps with the peeling a bit, otherwise, it will be a long wait.

For the cream thing, as to whether to use it or not, i think its really up to you. Some people prefered not to use, while some claim that using it help. For me, I just follow instructions.

Taking a long time to peel natually will not affect the result. But if you get impatient and start using your hands to peel, then GUARANTEE will affect the result! Its like picking a wound scab you know? it WILL leave a scar. So, be patient and dont pick on the scabs!

Charissa said...

Haha... The whole thing has finally peeled off. I discovered the same thing as you too abt the water shower preassure. Overall im satisfied with the results of my brows. There's just this tiny lil patch which is lighter than the rest of my left brow making it look obviously bald there. It probably needs touching up. Im covering up with an eyebrow pencil now. However Im dreading my next visit to UI. Painful la... :( But sigh.. still gotta do it. Wanna look nice ma :p