And the countdown begins!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Store #722

And store #722 made it to my 2nd 7-11 entry. Of course there were few others stores before this, but the picture didnt turn out good, so will go back and retake again. Hehehe

Des's car drinks Projet. And sometime ago, we noticed that 7-11 has a thing going on with Projet, as every Projet station has a 7-11 convineant store instead of their own.

It has proven to be quite convineant really, and mostly the reason to pop in to buy things as the "feel" that we have was the stock should be quite "new" instead of old stocks that has been in the shop for god-knows-how-long.

We stopped by this station quite often, as its the last Projet station right before we hit the highway back uphill.

Only recently did we noticed that Shell has appear to have taken over Projet, and the black wira now drinks Shell (a conspiracy that its actually still old Projet petrol but disguised under Shell, but that's another story altogether).

So, this is the shop:

(Though I think the address needs to be updated now)
Purchase: HOT magazine
Price: RM4.90 (same price as everywhere else!)

And I bought the HOT magazine that I had wanted to buy but has been too busy! We're just heading back from a friend's wedding dinner (also another story!)

Another plus point for 7-11, it really makes things convineant!

*P/s, no, 7-11 didnt pay me for doing this, just something that I wanted to do. Though it WOULD be a good idea to have 7-11 sponsoring me to visit all the stores in Malaysia. Hmm..

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