And the countdown begins!

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Reality Shows

You know that I LOVED reality shows..

Survivor, The Apprentice, Joe the Millionaire, you name it, I loved it!

When I was in my uni days, I followed Big Brother like a hawk even though there's nothing interesting going on. I loved how the contestant bawled their eyes out and make catty remarks at each other.

My Sweet 16 from MTV is one of the better shows. It makes you go "WTF???" when the girl yelled "I hate my stupid idiotic mum" in front of the camera, bawling her eyes out when her mum presented her with a brand new CAR on the day BEFORE her birthday party!

Worlds Apart showcase how much we take technology for granted when families are invited to stay in another side of the world with minimum access to necessaties.

For Love or Money and The Bachelor helps you see what is the life of the rich and luxurious. I've always loved to think that I'll take part in the show just to see if I could win the "prize".

Reality show on celebrities are a slightly boring cause they only show the "allowed" bits and of course, we commoners would not be able to understand and relate to them.

I miss Jerry Springer. Need I say more?

Temptation Island, gosh, horrible horrible show but great scandals!

America's Next Top Model, American Idol, Project Runway, Hell's Kitchen is a job search-game show style that stretches for weeks long and usually makes me impatient and will run to the computer to search for the winner.

Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, Made, What Not to Wear usually makes me jealous because no celebrities usually come crashing into my place to help me "improve".

Hoaxes-types such as My Big Fat Obnoxious Boss and Joe Millionnaire and geniuses at work! Hahaha a monkey to decides whether you're good enough!

Just as you think there couldnt get better (or worst!) I saw my first episode of Who Wants to be a Superhero!!!


Dunno whether to laugh or cry.

Speechless, really.

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