And the countdown begins!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Not my fault leh!

Is it true that the people whom you are associated with reflects your personality?

In that case, there is ONE particular person that I want to avoid because I no longer want to be associate with in any other way.

Heck, I've recently started the "If that person is going, I'm not" conversation, which I believe is sad that it has come to this point.

That person brings the word "persistent" to a whole new level and everytime I'm (reluctantly) reminded of that person, I sang this song with my heart out loud.

On the other hand, I love all the rest of you to bits (though I suck at keeping in touch)!

If you are interested to know the details of this story, drop me a msg/email, and I'll let you in on the story. Afterall, since I'm forcibly part of the story, dont I own some form of "right" to tell my side of the story? I've paid my dues, and I believe that I've earned my right for this.

My my, look how bitchy I have become. But then again, havent I said previously that I have changed?? At least I admit that I HAVE changed, instead of those who did not admit to it and choose to point the fault to someone else instead.

YOU: Walau eh, next time don't dare to say anything else to you lor, in fear that you'll tell to others as well...

Isnt it funny that people sometimes thinks that this person or that person cant keep in secret???

Many a times, I realized that people tend to forget exactly how MANY people they relate their secret to. Often than not, it is those people whom they TRUST that leaked out the secrets. And when WE (the third party) finds out, obviously we are not bound by the secrecy oath right? If I heard the news from your TRUSTED friend, how would I KNOW if it is a secret when your TRUSTED friend is the one who tells all?

And worst, when YOU finds out that the story comes from me, you gave me this dirty look that says "Shouldnt have let her find out". HELLO!

How come I get the BLAME for something that I DIDNT PROMISED to do??? (Hmm, does this sounds right?)

At times, when I conveyed a news to the person, often they say "Wah, how come you so fast receive the news/how come you know/your satellite very efficient/something-to-that-effect?". And I replied by saying "My dear, if the news reached me, it means that its all over the place already!", almost admitting that I would be the last to hear any news/gossips because people think I cant keep my mouth shut.

Won't you think of me as a life-saver (not that dramatic lah!). I mean, poor you were going around thinking that your secret is safe with you when the whole world knows about it. And wouldnt you be glad to hear it from me, the person who actually CHECKS the credibility of the news from the SOURCE, rather than manipulates it and spread it around? (I checked first, then spread! HAHAHAH).

But of couse, if you made me swear to secrecy (when I check the news with you), then it will stopped at my side lor. That, you have my promise.

But dont BLAME ME if the OTHER people whom you have also shared the news with babbles out your story!

Gettit??? I get very mad when others thought that I'm the one who squel when most of the time they failed to see who has betrayed them.

Well, you get the idea. Basically, we're humans afterall. We will never be able to control what others do and get what we want others to do. Certainly, we dont think alike and we will NEVER all get along with each other, all happily ever after. How else can you explain wars and famine?

There will be people that we like, and people that we hate. If you dont like me, I cannot do anything about it. Meaning if I dont like you, you SHOULDNT do ANYTHING about it and just accept that life is like that lor.

Perhaps you could even start hating me, and then (with a little help from the twisted Life), we WILL get closer.


Because of the saying, "Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer" lor!

Thursday, September 27, 2007


Conversation between a man and a woman in a Chinese drama:

Woman: It is non of your business.

Man: He is a good person. He will not leave his wife for you nor is he interested in you. Please leave him alone.

Woman: Yes, of course he is a good person. He is unlike you and me. He takes care of everyone’s feeling and will not hurt them intentionally.


Woman: You and I are very much alike. Selfish and will only do what we want to do, regardless whether it is cruel to others. Otherwise, you will not say such hurtful things to me. Because you can say what you think is right without taking my feelings into consideration, you have felt as it you’ve done what you should do. But what about me?

How reflectively true…

Saturday, September 22, 2007


A trip to the KLCC yesterday saw me leaving the mall with three books:

And I hope things works out and I'll be able to get my hands on this...

Remember this?

The things that we do when we're bored at work...


With Bangkok out of the way, its now Chiang Mai on 23-26 October.

Though it would be a different experience (I'll be going with Nic and with an overview of what shopping in Bangkok is, I'll be bracing myself for a round of serious shopping!), it seems a little sad that the trip that we've been looking forward to for nine months is over.

Oh well, we have the great big plan to keep us occupied...

The feeling is now still very fresh, almost as it is happening tomorrow. Think I need to settle down a bit (no, I'm not married lah).

Anyway, just some random thoughts. I realized that having short hair brings a different look in dressing. For some reason, I seems to think that short hair looks very no-nonsense in pants and it seems less damsel-ly in skirts. Not complaining...

On a separate issue, I've been dreaming a lot lately. I dont remember what I dreamt about (not the dinasour ones), but I woke up feeling all weird up. At one particular point, I even woke up feeling scared of someone.

And when I have dreams about being scared of you, then it WILL affect my real life and I WILL suddenly develop a sense of anxiety around you and WILL start to avoid you.

Its usually people that I have been trying to avoid and together with this dream, it just gives me a sense of assurance and conviction that I SHOULD avoid you.

It gets so bad that even a phone call from you will send shudders to me.

Yeap, it is THAT bad.

Aiyaya, I should really learnt how to stop the dreams from dictating my life...

I'm due back to work on Sunday.

Bangkok (18-20 Sept 07)

And so, it was the beginning of a very short trip to Bangkok.

It was also my first time taking the KLIA Express, first time going to LCCT, first time flying AirAsia, first time traveling without makeup, and first time seeing the 1 litre restriction thing.

I was very worried about the printed confirmation email and was very jittery throughout the trip to Bangkok in fear that AirAsia screwed up and 1) was not allowed to fly and 2) was not allowed acocomodation.

Anyway, all went well and even my 102ml deodorant made it through the custom (though I do not recommend it)!

We arrived late at night to the hotel at Bangkok on Tuesday night (about 9:30pm) and were off to the Airport at Thursday, 3pm. Looking back, despite having very little time, we did manage to cover quite a number of places.

We went to Kao Shan Road (which is a “hub” for backpackers), Yaowarat Road (Chinatown), Floating Market (joined a half-day tour), Pratunam (a concentrated shopping area), Suan Lum night market (another great place for shopping), Snake & Elephant places (included in the tour), few more shopping malls, Correction Museum (along the street of our hotel), and passed by many temples.

I brought along my mum’s camera, and I tried (very hard!) do to the tourist-picture-taking thing. I mean, I like taking pictures, but I just don’t have the knack of taking every scene that I came across. Especially when it comes to food. By the time we finished the food, THEN only we’ll think of taking pictures. The food in Bangkok was absolutely MARVELOUS! There’s pork everywhere! Their street food is cheap and super tasty! Beef noodle and duck noodle, UMPH! The flavour of their duck noodle soup, is like our instant duck noodle mee, only 100 times better! Now imagine the cartoon characters, Tom & Jerry. Whenever they experience something nice, they close their eyes, body straighten, flipping their feet and off they fly… that’s exactly how I feel after tasting their beef noodle soup. I kid you not! Their mango dippings were a different world altogether! Basically, the less luxurious the settings, the better the food! These are the only few pathetic pictures that we managed to take…

We mostly travel using tuk-tuks and taxis. At any time of the day, their taxis and tuk-tuks are at abundance, hence traveling around is a no brainer. The tuk-tuks experience was great, not necessarily the safest alternative, and Des and I both felt that we have inhaled enough fumes from our Bangkok trip to make up for the lost time in KL while we were uphill…

We managed to find our way to one of the prominent shopping areas called Pratunam. And this is where, sadly, I admit defeat. One one particular floor, I was so overwhelmed with shoes that I walked out of the mall WITHOUT buying any! I was so stunned by the choices that I panicked and couldn’t choose! Well, to consoled myself, though the shoes were selling at (RM-equavalent)25 and above, the shoes were of Sg Wang’s quality and design. And so, I left the mall new-shoe-less, but with 4 tops and a skirt.

A funny story with the tops though, I was looking at the t-shirts, and I asked the salesperson for the price, and I heard she say, 1 for (RM-equavalent)15, 3 for (RM-equavalent)13. And so I grabbed 3 and took out (RM-equavalent)13, and THEN she say “No, no, if you buy three, each is (RM-equavalent)13!”. Don’t ask me why I couldn’t figured that out (during the conversation, even Des heard right but I keep insisting that I’m right!), cause it is a warehouse place and things are known to be ridiculously cheap…

The highlight of the trip? It’s the floating market trip. Though it caters mostly for tourist now, the experience itself is worthwhile. The instruction to keep your hands in the boat comes handy when our boat jostle next to each other to pass the narrow river. If you don’t like the fact that it has turned to a tourist experience more than local occurrence, just go just so you can buy food on the boat next to you. The sight of seeing a bbq pit in a boat is great enough an experience…

And what about our favourite pastime? We went to many shopping malls, and never seems to find a supermarket. I was about to give up and admits to Des that we’re spoilt and Bangkok people(?) still buys their meats and vegetables in a wet market until we chance upon TOPS! Hahah, finally a supermarket!

Overall, Bangkok was a wonderful trip. The weather was fine, and most of time, whenever we wanted to go out, it would have just finished raining, so the weather was wet and very cool. The people were very accommodating, probably because we were in a tourist area. Almost every other corner, there is a temple to explore (which we didn’t because we were not too keen on it), and the look and feel is almost exactly like KL. I mean, if you replace the Thai words into our Bahasa, wouldn’t you agree that this place looks exactly like Bukit Bintang???

Friday, September 21, 2007


Back from Bangkok!

Its been a great holiday, and will write down the details soon.

Right now, got to go sleep, because tomorrow we will kick start a great plan (hopefully it will not died so soon!)

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Store #722

And store #722 made it to my 2nd 7-11 entry. Of course there were few others stores before this, but the picture didnt turn out good, so will go back and retake again. Hehehe

Des's car drinks Projet. And sometime ago, we noticed that 7-11 has a thing going on with Projet, as every Projet station has a 7-11 convineant store instead of their own.

It has proven to be quite convineant really, and mostly the reason to pop in to buy things as the "feel" that we have was the stock should be quite "new" instead of old stocks that has been in the shop for god-knows-how-long.

We stopped by this station quite often, as its the last Projet station right before we hit the highway back uphill.

Only recently did we noticed that Shell has appear to have taken over Projet, and the black wira now drinks Shell (a conspiracy that its actually still old Projet petrol but disguised under Shell, but that's another story altogether).

So, this is the shop:

(Though I think the address needs to be updated now)
Purchase: HOT magazine
Price: RM4.90 (same price as everywhere else!)

And I bought the HOT magazine that I had wanted to buy but has been too busy! We're just heading back from a friend's wedding dinner (also another story!)

Another plus point for 7-11, it really makes things convineant!

*P/s, no, 7-11 didnt pay me for doing this, just something that I wanted to do. Though it WOULD be a good idea to have 7-11 sponsoring me to visit all the stores in Malaysia. Hmm..


Leaving for Bangkok tomorrow!

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Reality Shows

You know that I LOVED reality shows..

Survivor, The Apprentice, Joe the Millionaire, you name it, I loved it!

When I was in my uni days, I followed Big Brother like a hawk even though there's nothing interesting going on. I loved how the contestant bawled their eyes out and make catty remarks at each other.

My Sweet 16 from MTV is one of the better shows. It makes you go "WTF???" when the girl yelled "I hate my stupid idiotic mum" in front of the camera, bawling her eyes out when her mum presented her with a brand new CAR on the day BEFORE her birthday party!

Worlds Apart showcase how much we take technology for granted when families are invited to stay in another side of the world with minimum access to necessaties.

For Love or Money and The Bachelor helps you see what is the life of the rich and luxurious. I've always loved to think that I'll take part in the show just to see if I could win the "prize".

Reality show on celebrities are a slightly boring cause they only show the "allowed" bits and of course, we commoners would not be able to understand and relate to them.

I miss Jerry Springer. Need I say more?

Temptation Island, gosh, horrible horrible show but great scandals!

America's Next Top Model, American Idol, Project Runway, Hell's Kitchen is a job search-game show style that stretches for weeks long and usually makes me impatient and will run to the computer to search for the winner.

Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, Made, What Not to Wear usually makes me jealous because no celebrities usually come crashing into my place to help me "improve".

Hoaxes-types such as My Big Fat Obnoxious Boss and Joe Millionnaire and geniuses at work! Hahaha a monkey to decides whether you're good enough!

Just as you think there couldnt get better (or worst!) I saw my first episode of Who Wants to be a Superhero!!!


Dunno whether to laugh or cry.

Speechless, really.


Keep telling myself that its no point rushing and comparing to others because one guy is a bastard, another owes people money and the last doesnt even want to be married in the first place.

Yea yea, so it is pretty obvious that I wanted to get married.

There, I've said it.

(Having said the above, this by no means indicates my willingness to discuss this with you unless I bring it up).

But there is a reason why and obviously you dont know and (as usual and as always like everyone else) its too complicated.

Anyway, that's the other reason why there's no link out to anyone in this website and i've managed to keep this place low profile. I've not an IT person, and not really interested in making this place a cute little blog with loads of stuff at the sidebar.

Think the only "advertisement" I did was through Friendster. Hence, only a handful of "you"s are reading this. Hehehe, like I said, the only "IT" thing I did with this place is the SiteMeter, and the pictures alignment in HTML still drives me crazy.

Otherwise, I wont be able to say such embarassing thing here thinking that friends of anyone will find out. But then of course, one of the reason of blogging is so that the world could read it right? Anyway, I've Julia to keep track of stuff with names (Haha, scandal!) and 512 is without.

Anyway, been keeping myself busy and thinking about Bangkok. This weekend is one of the weekend that I'll look forward because 1) I'm not going to be on GM duty on Monday 2) I'm going for training on Monday (meaning no need go office) 3) I can wear jeans to training and 4) Des is jumping shift on Monday!

Been having a lot on my mind (but then again, its so often that its normal!). Oh well, we'll see what happens...


Sunday, September 02, 2007


The one thing that strikes me about this movie is how echo-y their voice is and how silent the background is...

And it reminds me of my uni days at night, when everything is so dead silent.

And helps me imagine what life could be overseas...


For the past few days, my mind has been kept very confused with an idea a few days ago.

I went on trying to get more information about this idea, hoping to make it a possible plan. I thought about the lifestyle change, I thought about the possible obstacles, I thought about the hard life, I thought about the consequences, I thought about everything!

But when I sit back and really think about it, I very soon realized that it wasnt the idea that excites me, rather it was what is supposed to happen BEFORE the plan that sends me into this frenzy.

I knew it was all for the wrong reasons, and yet I kept it at the back of my head while I wrote to friends looking for information on this.

This is not right.

You just cant go around popping ideas and giving me hopes when you are the one who squashes my dream and anticipation with a "I dont know to do this before I initiate this first..."

Despite the fact that this is exciting, possible and big, you owe me an apology on this confusion that you have put me in.

This is not right at all...

Saturday, September 01, 2007


A friend once commented that my blog is all about my shoes. And so, just to prove her point:

And I've successfully un-jinx my shopping spree and came back almost RM800 poorer.

And my arm looks like this (from carrying all the shopping bags) when we came back:

Oh well, enough said.


Walau eh, there is a reason why bras are priced at RM200 ok!

Last year I spend more than 1k on lingeries, just to be mocked in Jusco with its RM10 bras.

Anyway, I'm sticking to my choice and will be ready for tomorrow on a shopping spree.

But then again, it has always proven to be unproductive whenever I had plans to splurge.

Oh well...

On another note, a friend said "that u can come back after a month or anytime, treat it like a holiday" suddenly shines light on an otherwise grey plan.

P/S: damn, now I'm even more confused. I've managed to browse around and found another option...

We really need to talk.