And the countdown begins!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Hypermarts and freedom

I don’t know why, but it definitely has something to do with it…

We went to a hypermart after work yesterday. Initially, after a tensed day at work, we were supposed to have dinner together with friends that night. I wasn’t too keen and was looking forward to get away from the hill and away from it all. We then made plans to go pasar malam, but after thinking about the heat and crowd, I suggested the hypermart instead (aircon, huge space and shopping!).

And so, we had dinner at the restaurant at the hypermarket, and I still was thinking about work. Even right before we step into the hypermart, I am still troubled by it. But as soon as we went it, I quickly forgot about it all. In fact, after a while inside, I suddenly thought about it and wandered aloud, “hey, I forgot about work…”.

It was very therapeutic indeed. After paying for our purchases (we didn’t buy much), I felt relaxed, charged, and ready to face it all.

I don’t know why. Perhaps its because after nearly 2 years working here, I am beginning to feel sick of this place. Or perhaps it’s the fun when looking at things at the grocery store. Or the sense of peace where we can walk and stroll without bumping into a familiar face every 5th person we walk past by. Or it’s just the freedom and joy of being a paying customers that I can appreciated good service and complaint on bad service without feeling guilty because I am not paying for it.

Yea, I think it is. I think I enjoy being a paying customer without having a meal thinking as if I owe it to them for being able to eat at all! And hypermarts are a great place to go cause we both can enjoy browsing through the things together. We can walk around and enjoy the privacy that everyone else deserves without risking our fun being told by other people.

Sigh, the sense of freedom…

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