And the countdown begins!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Risky Move

While chatting with a friend of mine via MSN few days ago, the topic of my London trip came up.

“I envy you. You’re like living my dream…”

While most people responded positively whenever I told them about our plan to leave, little do they know the risk and the reason behind the trip.

“The grass is always greener on the other side.”

How true. Though the prospect of going London itself is very exciting and it certainly inject a fresh feeling into our daily working mundane life, it is nothing like your usual 10-days trip to London where you get to travel to different cities, stay in different hotels, sight see and enjoy your trip.

No. In fact, its far from it.

Two things for sure. We’re going to London WITHOUT a place to stay and WITHOUT a job. Funny how I find myself saying that sentence out loud. Cause I’d swear that I’ve always go around telling people that its STUPID to resign from a job without first securing another. And I always say that I could never afford to STOP working because I have bills accumulating every month.


We literally drop everything that we have been building towards (both career and family) and just move to a totally unfamiliar place to start all over again. Not only are we starting all over again, we have a very high risk of RETURNING to Malaysia WITHOUT anything, again, to build everything up again from scratch. Not only do we face the risk of being rejected at the custom (because of various reasons), we may not even find a job to support ourselves and will have to return back with even LESS money that we started of. Yes, the only support we have is the fact that Des’ sister in law is there. But that won’t do much because she is a single working lady herself who have her own life.

How much does it cost us to relocate? Easily 40k. O_o

Now, I’m not going to continue to talk about the money issue, lest someone from the embassy decides to chance upon this blog and decides to reject our entry. But you do your own calculation as to how much it will come to make the trip worth while.

I guess, to a certain extend, I will admit that indeed the trip gave me an outlet to escape from many aspect of my life right now. Below are just a few items that I could easily pluck from my head:

- to quit my job and stop doing something that I don’t believe in.
- to stop working for a person who called me a “prostitute” and to gain my dignity back.
- to avoid moving back to KL on a permanent basis.

And of course, I admit that without the trip, the plans would never get a kickstart and will never be escalated to where it is right now and I’ll never be scheduled to be married in Feb. I did ask him before, if without the trip, the possibility of us getting married this year. He did give me a positive answer, but yet I find it hard to believe.

Now why am I writing a post down as if I’m trying to reassure myself when I’ve done it before already?

I don’t know.

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