And the countdown begins!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Why? Why??

See see, that was the exact reason why i dont read books. Now they are doing it on TV too???
Sigh, just saw the last episode of Kevin Hill. So sad and to make it worst, that was the last episode for that series. One season only. They took away the baby from him. Then, the story ends there. Sigh...
Dahlah I am still in my Emotional-frappe mode..
Anyway, it reminded me of the fact that nobody is worst than anyone and that I am grateful for it. Despite the fact of what I went through years ago, I know I could be worst. And i guess that is how i manage to get past life and still manage to paddle through.
It is with the thought that no matter what circumstances i am in, I would be worst off. And that helped me feel better and face the challenges bravely. And that helped me accept myself for who i am. And make me realize that although I may be sad for now, I can definately overcome it instead of wallowing in self pity. And that, makes me a very oblivious person.
Recently, I've started to use this as a channel to send messages to people out there. Like i mentioned, the risk is that everyone will start to think that I am talking about/to them. Am I a coward to say things here instead in person? Rest assured that I am merely repeating what I've said here. I know and believe that there is absolutely no point in making references to them if they dont read it the first place. So, believe me, I'm not using this as a cowardly way to tell someone something that I dare not say to their face. Whatever I wrote here, has already been said out loud.
But having said that, please do think twice if you think that I am making reference to you. Cause it could all be just a fraction of your imagination and all these hoohaa may not exist at all. The level of ambiguity is, though somewhat low (well, my picture is up there right?), but my story isn't. Until you know how to tell the difference between the truth and the lie, please take this with a pinch of salt. The manisfestation of one's mind is powerful, but it is only you.
Isn't this what it is all about? Read between the lines, Juls...
I love you.

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