And the countdown begins!

Monday, November 06, 2006

A dream...

I had a dream this morning.

I dream of running away again. But this time its different. Instead of running away and being chased, I was already caught this time. Instead my dream started with me escaping. This time, I managed to escape. Nobody was chasing me. It was raining and I was escaping and running away in my pajamas. Also, this time, I knew where I was going. And so I ran and ran to that place.

Nobody was following me. When I arrived, I was tired and that place was packed with people. Somehow or rather, I went looking for someone, and he appeared. I tried to explain and he immediately took me in. He showed me upstairs and told me to rest. I closed my eyes feeling so safe. He reached out to touch my eyes and told me rest.

Then he started to leave. I immediately jumped up cause I don’t want him to leave and to be left alone. Then we started to pack things into my car and I prepared to leave. Before I could say thank you and goodbye, I woke up…

I woke up still sensing the feeling that I felt. That feeling is indescribable, the feeling of being loved, being cared for and knowing that I am now safe. A sudden rush of exhilaration and happiness that could only happen in dreams. Not to say that I’ve never felt that in life, but in dreams nothing else matters. Unlike in reality where life goes on, dreams give a chance to feel that joy without the repercussion of life. Even though it is for a short time and left me longing for more when I wake up, I’m still glad I feel that way.

But why is the dream different this time around?

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