And the countdown begins!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Current Satisfaction

I guess with reference to the previous entry, one would have guessed that I am a materialistic person.

I admit I am not a “big picture” person. I seek current satisfaction and I find solace in material things. Instead of braving it out for a better time ahead (bersusah-susah dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian), I seek comfort on current satisfaction to help me get by. Instead of giving up everything to achieve a goal in future, I need some pick-me-up moments to help me reach that goal.

But does this mean I cannot work towards a future or achieve certain goals in my life? Not really. But then again, I am a person who is very easy to please. Current satisfaction matters most and perhaps it’s with this, that I am less incline to have super big ambitions. I need shorter goals or tangible things to look forward to. I am brought up in a middle income family background, and being me, I am contented to work for the rest of my life and enjoying life little surprises along the way. Less risk, less return perhaps, but I am happy.

Or am I?

I suppose by now you would also know that money is important to me. Save those “money not important, health is” or “money cannot buy happiness” to yourself. I respect the way you think but don’t condemn me. Money IS important because we need that to survive. Money cannot ensure health but it certainly can PAY the medical bills (plus, people are getting sick nowadays not of work, but over many other factors). Money cannot buy happiness but it can REDUCE our depression and stress by settling our bills/debts/savings. Being in the middle income group, money plays a very important role because we need it to match our daily expenses.

Financial stability is what we seek before we pursue other bigger matters in our life.

And now at 25, I am struggling between my current satisfaction craving and the desire to seek this financial stability in life. I admit I am changing as a more mature person and taking steps closer towards this long term goal in life. However, the price to pay is me and my current satisfaction. I need time to evolve. Changing overnight or changing for the sake of someone else will make me miserable person. And at 25, I’d know better than to do that. Instead, striving to change for ME is the power.

I can only change to become a better person if I want to.

And I am working towards it.

Lucky you if you have a rich partner. And for the rest of us, a toast to our choices, our partners and teamwork.

You go get the car and the house. And I’ll get the savings okay? :)

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