And the countdown begins!

Sunday, November 04, 2007


Sometime back last year, I wrote about my dream wedding dress, the GUESS shoes to go with it, and a ridiculously expensive I-dont-need-this laptop.

Well, its almost a year later, and guess what? I STILL dont own any of the above three items. No suprises eh? I used up all my bonus then to cover my credit card bills and promised myself that I'll clear it every month. And I've honoured that promise until now!

About 2-3 weeks ago, Des and I made a quick trip down town to Petaling Street for dinner. And while walking around the stalls and shops, I chance upon my dream wedding dress!

No, no pictures because the dress was a dissapointment. Well, for one, they had it in PINK laces, and not GOLD like the one I wanted. Now, unlike many other ladies out there, I'm not very good with pink. Dont get me wrong, I do have a couple of pink t-shirts, but I wont go around making sure everything I own is in that colour. So, my utmost respect to those of you who does and I here admit my unlady-likeness for my un-preference for pink.

Anyway, I've decided to just try it out for the heck of it. Just to fullfill my dying wish :P And suprise, suprise, it was a letdown. For a start, the dress is two sizes too large. Its XL, and it doesnt have a proper corset sewn in. The two pathetic foam cup barely provide any support and the dress is too long. The only silver lining of that dress is that it cost about less than RM200.

To tell you the truth, for the minute second, I was thinking of buying-it-and-perhaps-alter-the-size-and-sew-in-a-corset-with-bust-support-and-get-it-dry-clean-and-pull-out-the-pink-lace-that-I-hate-and-sew-back-gold-laces-in-and-wear-four-inch-heels-to-make-up-for-the-dress-length-which-I-had-no-problem-with-cause-I-am-practically-born-in-high-heels-anyway.

Obviously it was too much a hasle.

But I STILL like the dress. Luckily the dress was too large. Otherwise, I really thought that I could have purchased it...

Now, the second item on that list was a gold GUESS pump shoes.

I've found out that the pump shoes' name is Carrie. They have a few colours, and I particularly like the gold ones (to match with the dress mah).

Along the year, I've ventured into Guess shop only a few times, and though I've never given a second glance with its clothes and bags, I always find myself wandering to the shoes section and absent mindedly lifting the pump shoes to remind my of the price to pay. A whopping RM400.

Now, I knew if I bought that pair of shoes, I'll wear it on a daily basis. No, I'm not like you who save expensive items for special occasions, and yes, I prance around the office in my black 4-inch heels everyday. I couldnt bring myself to spend so much for a pair of shoes, let alone a GOLD pair which is too fanciful for daily office wear.

And so, I settled for cheaper ones. A pair of black ones that I'm wearing now cost about RM80 (that's 1/5 of the original price!) from a nearby shopping mall, and I am very proud of it since. It has served me very well, and I must say that it is actually more comfortable compared to some of my lower heeled shoes. And I always feel extra confident when I wear those shoes. I also own another similar pair that is in silvery shade.

"What if you fall?" I get that ALL the time. I also get "Its bad for your back", "I dont know how she walks in those heels", etc. Well, if I fall and twist my ankle or break my leg, that would mean 14 days of MC and 2 months of hospitalization right? Its either feeling damn sexy or getting two months off work. Either way its good right?

Come to think of it, I think my love for super high heels dates way back to when I was a kid playing with Barbie dolls. I've always love how Barbie's feet arch to fit into her tiny stilettoes and I especially loved her black-heeled-pointy-pumps. Hahaha and that black-heeled-pointy-pumps is what I wore to work everyday!

So, no, I dont own the expensive gold GUESS pump, but I do own many pairs of cheap, high heeled (3 inch, no less!) and pretty pointy pumps!

The last item on the list was a VIAO laptop. Nope. I STILL havent replaced my laptop. In fact, I did a post mortem on it and asked my cousin to removed out the hardrive for me. So, instead of a laptop, I now own a external hardrive. Still looking for a laptop, but not very actively. Found a few similarly sized ones and much cheaper too, but havent found one that would enticed me to sign it off with a credit card.

But one thing for sure, if I AM getting one, you can be sure it would be sleek, small and light in weight!

So there, so much for an update on my Wishlist. What will I do with this year's bonus then? Well, again, looks like the Wishlist has to be shelved for another year, because bonus has been put aside to make the Great Big Plan come true (no, I'm not getting married, how many times must I say that to myself? sigh...).

Yes, that is how much hope I am putting into the Great Big Plan. If my chickens does not hatch, I'll slash my wrist with the eggshell and bleed to death. Deal?

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