And the countdown begins!

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Feeling very blah at the moment.

Wanted to write about Ms Lo, wanted to talk about my love-hate relationship with books, wanted to vent my frustration about work, wanted to create a metaphor about life, but something held me back.

The Great Big Plan seems to make all these issues pale in comparison with it.

No doubt, as the date draws near, I'm FOREVER reminded about it. Its time to get things started. There's a long list of things to do to make it happen. And its finally time to start striking off items from the to-do-list.

Think I'll stop writing until it happened. No doubt, writing about it is a sure fire way of jinx-ing it. Hence, I've decided to stop talking about it (already there are people asking me about it!) and hopefully my abstinence from blogging will show GOD that I'm 101% committed to it and hopefully he'll grant me the wish.

While I'm on strike, keep reading my Quickies and Twitter, cause that's probably where I'll be updating from now.

Will be back in a month.

P/S: If it doesnt happen, there will be no more updates and this place will die its natural death. Why? Cause I mentioned earlier on that I'll be dead from committing suicide with the eggshells of non-existant chickens, remember???

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