And the countdown begins!

Friday, October 27, 2006

Terrible week.

I had a week off during the festive season. It was an eventful week indeed.

1) Holiday with family - My family came up to stay at one of the resorts along the hill. Was looking forward to spending time with them. But, the Housekeeping ppl decided to be funny and put a sweet on each of the pillow. So, my bed was infested with ants and creepy crawlies no thanks to the "added touch". So much for good night rest.

2) No Internet - Streamyx also decides to go on a holiday during the festive season. So, despite my effort to bring back work, I couldnt do any. Thanks so much.

3) Friendship crisis - To cut a long story short, it was very exhausting to be involved in other people's problem.

4) A friend's father passed away - Enough said.

5) Ops! Sikap - This year, I made it to the Ops! Sikap statistics for unreported accident. It was raining, it happened on a slope, and the lights were green. Its a classic case of braking unnecessary and causing others behind to bang into each other (i'm one of those behind lor). The kereta kemek a bit, but my ten toes still intact

6) Pure stupidity - In the case of pure stupidity, after getting the car fix, I gostan right into another car's bumper while I was driving OUT of the mechanic's shop. Thus, adding brand new scratches to the car and also confirming the fact that women generally are lousy drivers.

But then again, this was my first time langgar-ing into another car after what, seven years of driving?? Then perhaps I was still in shock from the accident that makes me forget to check the car's alignment while reversing. Yea yea, excuses eh?

And all this while, I was broke, cashless and still had a long list of groceries to buy.

But two good things happened though. One, I managed to spend time talking to my mum and catching up with her. And the highlight of the week is of course going out with Nic to shop, watch movie and catch up. The movie, The Prestige was really really good, and I really enjoyed shopping and talking to her. Really helped me take my mind off things. She is one heck of a lucky girl (you know what I am talking about! haha) and we should start planning for our next trip. Hehe

Tomorrow I need to collect my report from the doctor. At the rate of things are going, I am preparing myself for the worst. This is not one of the best weeks.

Holiday definately not enough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally disagree that ladies are lousy drivers! I have been driving for er.. 5 yrs now? and I havent had to send my car to workshop because of an accident! *touch wood*! But then you have been driving for 7 yrs!! Well, I guess sometimes it will happen (to male & female alike)