And the countdown begins!

Friday, June 30, 2006

Being perfect is a defect itself...

Today's forecast: Misty and gloomy.
This is the exact same spot that I took the picture yesterday. Talk about going to work on a cold cold morning!
I just watched “I not stupid 2”. So bloody true!
I borrowed it from my next door neighbour, she warned me that she too, cried while watching it. I remember replying, isn’t it a comedy? Nearly cried my eyes out man!
It is true, the way the movie portray the storyline.
I remembered a fwded email I received a couple a days ago. It is a snipet of a radio interview by a couple of Hong Kong DJs talking to a clueless 16-year old. 1 minute into the conversation, we found out that that girl just broke up with her bf of less than 2 months whom she had known via the internet and slept with after their 3rd date. The DJs were so furious that they practically yelled at her on air saying that they forsee that she will end up with a bleak future. And the best part is, the girl wasn’t even irrirated! She is totally clueless!
Makes me think that it is true that it is not easy to raise kids afterall. No matter what you do, there is no guaranteed or a black&white way to raise kids “perfectly”. Every family has its problem. There is no such thing as a “perfect” family. Being perfect is a defect itself.
We’ve been exposed to various western movies about teenage problems illustrating how a broken family raise teenage kids who are clueless or communication barrier between the generation gaps. Somehow, it doesn’t seem to relate better to us Asian than movies like “I not Stupid” or “Sepet” and such. It shows all problems in OUR culture and OUR belief in OUR environment. True to the core… I cannot emphasis enough how true these things were. Clueless 16-year olds? I’ve been there. I remember being so bloody desperate at one point of time where I keep count of all the boys I have known in my life! Parents not listening enough? I remember the tough time I had nearing my SPM. It was so dark, gloomy and I’ve never felt so detached. So much anger and hatred. Good for nothing youth hanging around with odd jobs? Hey, they are just to make ends meet! It is things like this that makes me wander, what if? It shows everyone what its like on the other side. I was never on the other side. I was always kept safe, and it made me rebel more. It is times like this that made me remember. Remembering what it could be like on the other side.
I remember her.

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