And the countdown begins!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Buang masa aku je!

Recently, I came across many idiots in my life. While I dont dare to give away too many details in fear of some of them coming here and thinking it was in reference to them, i still want to write about them to clear my head.

In fact, the narcissistic side of me of wanting to talk about what happen has pushed me to start a anonymous blog so that I can tell all about what happen. Certainly, there is no pleasure in keeping such juicy story to myself eh?

Obviously you wont get to read about it here, and I'll go on and on about it today though.

Overall, I miss having constructive arguments. Arguments where people come together to argue about something and then challenging each other to get the right answer. Getting the right answer meaning everyone knowing what their talking about.

I had a horrible feeling that I was being bullied and outcast. Not that I mind anyway, cause why would I mind being outcast by idiots right? But the need to be part of a social circle means that my long weekend is ruin and I will spend all of the weekend wandering what I did wrong...

Obviously I wasnt close enough to be a part of a joke that everyone else is. Obviously, offering my help over something that I very much enjoy was not appreciated. Obviously, keeping quiet when the answer is right in front of you is the correct was of doing things here. Oh yea, and obviously making a fuss over something you know is wrong is not right because it was supposedly to be at your advantage (when clearly it is not).

I was relatively quiet for most of the time. When finally there seems to be the end of the road, I relax and opened up a bit. But apparently, they equates loudness to stupidity. Hence, lesson learn. I really should keep my mouth shut. Even though I know that horrible things are blatantly done wrong around me.

I can feel my brains are rotting and I really wanna do something else. I cannot understand how anyone could feel so interested in it. At first, I thought that I was the only one doing stupid things and the rest are doing far much better things, but as time goes by, I come to realized nope, it is just as stupid, yet they seems so interested?

Oh Uh, did i just give away too much? I dont really care now do I?

Is it me failing to see the big picture, or am I really noticing better ways to do things? The excel is practically screaming its answer right in front of you, yet you choose to "use your eyes". If you're already using Excel, why not let it finish the job for you? Why open yourself to dispute every single week when you yourself dont even understand the equation?

Seriously, dont get me started on the rest. But I forgive them, for they really dont know what they are doing. But you, you of all people. You are part of us, and I feel greatly embarrassed by you. A couple of them are part of us too, but I dismiss them as I can see that they are officially in to the rest already. No amount of help can save them anymore. But you. YOU.

I dont know why I feel a great sense of responsibility over this. Obviously it is none of my business and who am I to "save" anyone at all? True, I really shouldnt care at all. But when it involves me it is where I cross the line. I dont care what the rest do and even more dont care what you do to the rest. But when you do stupid things to ME, I'm not gonna sit there and complaint about it like everyone else. I will make sure things are done correctly where it is supposed to.

Furthermore, I KNOW what i'm doing and i KNOW i am right. Imagine my bengang-ing when you came and said "yea, I did make a mistake but it was to your advantage". IT WASNT TO MY ADVANTAGE, you !@#$%!!!

*pengsan, then wake up again to remember what happened, then pengsan again*

Seriously, I'm now dismissing the rest of them as it is unimportant. It shouldnt be important. I should just find more music and keep quiet for the rest of the three weeks. Or maybe two if I really cannot tahan.

Damn, I should have berbelog dalam bahasa melayu so gerenti dia orang takan faham. Buang masa I saja.

Ada satu lagi perkara yang buat aku bengang. Tapi itu mengandungi angka angka and kiraan, jadi kalau saya letak kat sini, yang tak tau baca pun tau yang aku cakap pasal itu.

Hai, sememangnya aku tak patut tambah dua orang dari kerja kat MukaBuku aku. Aku memang nak tambah lagi, tapi malu. Tapi aku ingat, dia orang takkan pandai sangat sampai cari kat sini. Maklumlah, siapa saya kan? Tapi, aku harap juga diaorang cari sampai sini, tengok yang aku ini bukan bodoh macam diaorang. Mungkin, itulah sebab aku dapat kerja ini. Untuk aku belajar untuk jangan jadi bangga and belajar untuk bergaul dengan orang orang macam itu.

Tapi sememangnya, susah untuk kerja dengan orang bodoh. Susah, memang susah. Masalahnya, ini bukan orang yang tua dan tak belajar tau. Ini orang pandai, pergi sekolah and orang muda! Ini yang aku tak tahan ni. Baru keluar uni, ada pun yang sedang dalam uni, takan boleh lupa benda benda yang sepatutnya pengetahuan am??

Sebab, tujuh perpuluhan lima tolak empat puluh minit bukan enam perpuluhan enam tujuh! Ada pula yang cakap enam perpuluhan satu pun boleh! Yang bodoh pun tau lima puluh minit mana boleh jadi point enam tujuh?

Dah dah, dah lah tu, yang tak nak dituliskan pada mulanya pun dah tulis. Cukuplah tu, inilah masanya untuk menikmati minggu minggu ini. Kalau memang tak tahan, berhenti je lah eh?


p/s: Aku ni sekarang sedang betul betul nak berhenti dalam dua minggu...

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