And the countdown begins!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Looking through my old files, i found this...

Good, the previous post is supposed to be very sad and depressing. But somehow it is not. And that does not go well with this cause I had wanted to put up something slow and depressing.

So, with reference to the previous entry below, here are some random ramblings...

I'm glad that my current handphone makes me reply sms slower than others cause if not, I would have type and sent out some very nasty sms and to regret doing so later.

It is very tiring to repeat myself.

It is also very exhausting to know too much.

I miss him very much suddenly.

I now have a phobia of driving behind cars when it is raining. I'd rather take the risk to speed along in heavy rain than to follow rows of cars driving at slow speed (in fear of someone deciding to suddenly break hence the repeat of history).

I had a huge headache that lasted for two days after the accident.

My eyes were bengkak from crying and lack of sleep.

Despite it all, I felt that I did what I should do and that is enough. I've put what is unimportant aside when it required me to do so. But it doesnt mean that I ignore it after it is done. I still remember and…

I used to type out my thoughts before I had a blog or whenever I do not have access to internet.

The above seems disturbing, and apparently I've never gotten around to finish it.

I dont really remember what had happened, and what transpired me to write that.

And that is a good thing right?

Cause whatever that had bothered me back then, its over and I've gotten over it.


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