And the countdown begins!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I was just reading through some of the old post way back earlier this year and last year and I cried my eyes out.

I'm so glad that 512 managed to capture all these moments. But I do noticed that there were hardly any 'happy' post.

Is it because I was hardly happy? I am aware that 512 captures a significant amount of stressful times in my life. But that is probably because I write better when I'm angry.

Hence, if you're reading this, please dont mistaken that I'm this angry and horrible sad woman. (Well, I probably am some of the times). Its just that most of the happier times I'm either spending it away from the laptop or captured in PITM.


Everything is fine for now. But expect horrible post in the future, as I will be losing my temp job in November and I will drive myself (and Des) up the wall again with my antics of not able to find jobs. I suspect I will be in a 'suitable' mood fuel with enough emotion to write about the updates by then.

Watch out for this space! Take care everyone!

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